Prisam InfoTech offers an innovative and varied range of Services to their customers to work on different models like Onshore-Onsite, Onshore-Offsite, and Offshore which implements Prisam's own style of Development Architecture for providing optimum solutions to their customers.
Our Business Analysts will evaluate your organization's needs, prioritize your goals and help you to create the workflow to increase your productivity and reduce operational costs. A team of software engineers, database administrators and interface designers will design, develop and deploy your custom application.
Our expert technical team’s skill set covers all Windows platforms as well as Linux and a host of languages and technologies, some of which includes SalesForce.com, C#, Visual Basic, ASP.NET, PHP, SQL Server, MYSQL, IIS and Apache tools and technologies for various verticals and domains
We expertise in the field of Shipping - Logistics ERP and Health Care.
Our team is highly capable and well-qualified to handle dictations of all medical specialties that include Orthopedics, Cardiology, Radiology, Neurology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Urology, Pain Management, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine and so on.
We are experienced in transcribing almost all kinds of reports inclusive of SOAP notes, discharge summary, office notes, expiration summary, consultation reports, progress notes, operative reports, follow-up visits, scopy notes and so on.